FreeBSD based distro for virtual hosting platform and appliance
This is not a commercial project. Development activity is highly dependent on the level of investment, as development requires for hosting, test/development equipment, infrastructure for updates/CI/CD, and support. Please Support Us if you are not indifferent to the development of this project.
ClonOS 23xx-RELEASE highlights:
ClonOS 19xx-RELEASE highlights:
(*) - CBSD CLI only
Source code on GitHub
19.09-RELEASE USB MEMSTICK ( dd if=clonos-19.09-release.img of=/dev/daX bs="10240" conv="sync" ):
or via rsync: rsync://
HTTP Mirrors
Find the mirror nearest you!
RSYNC Mirrors
Find the mirror nearest you!
ClonOS 19.09 overview, part1 (cloud-init feature):
ClonOS 19.09 overview, part2 (p9fs feature):